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What's It Like To Work With Me?

So by now you may be thinking that you might benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy. For many people, the leap from considering it to actually booking an appointment can be a big one, so I want to tell you what working with me is like.

The first step is to book a discovery call. This is completely free, and I like to use the time to get to know you. Prior to the call, I will email you a one-page summary of my “process,” including my expectations for myself, and my expectations for you, as my potential client. This will help you get to know me. During the call, I will ask you some questions to get a feel for your issues, and to get a sense of where you are on your journey toward wellness. I will also describe some specifics of how I would approach working with you, including how I would focus my evaluation. We could also discuss the summary sheet, if you have questions. If, at the end of the call, we feel that working together would be a good fit for us both, we would schedule an appointment for an in-person evaluation.

Prior to the evaluation, I will email you an information packet which includes consent and intake forms, to be completed and returned the day prior to your appointment. The day of your appointment, I come to you! Please dress in workout clothing, and we will need enough space for me to set up my treatment table. We will spend some time reviewing your paperwork and history, and proceed to the physical examination.

The examination includes assessment of posture, breathing, functional movements like squatting and standing on 1 foot, muscle strength, and joint mobility, for starters. I like to focus my assessments to your specific issues and goals, and emphasize function and making an immediate impact on symptoms. Often, a critical part of the examination includes an internal assessment of the pelvic floor muscles, either intravaginally or intrarectally. For a more in-depth explanation of your first pelvic physical therapy appointment, stay tuned for a post later this week!

At the end of your evaluation, I will discuss my findings with you, as well as my recommendations for treatment. I will provide you with a comprehensive home exercise program in the format that serves you best (video, handouts, audio recordings, etc). It is important to understand that ongoing treatment is often necessary to make lasting gains, especially regarding pelvic floor treatment, as many concepts introduced during our sessions are being learned for the first time. Therefore, they require practice and reinforcement. For that reason, I offer different treatment packages, which offer a savings compared to the same number of sessions purchased “a la carte.”

In between our sessions, you are expected to do your homework, and if you have questions, you have access to me via text and email. Feel free to email me videos of your exercises so that I can check your form! I want to ensure that you feel supported during every step of your journey, so please reach out!

When you graduate from therapy, you still have the option to work with me, if you choose. Many people find it incredibly helpful to continue working with their PT on a monthly check-in basis, to ensure that they are progressing their program effectively and safely, and to get any questions answered. We can continue working together once per month (or as often as you choose) to continue building on the gains you have made!

I hope this was a helpful window into working with me. As always, I welcome questions, and if you are at all interested in booking that discovery call, you have absolutely NOTHING to lose. I am looking forward to hearing from you!

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