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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is pelvic floor physical therapy? How does it differ from traditional PT?
    • Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialty within the field of physical therapy.  Training is obtained through continuing education courses, which occurs following graduation from physical therapy school.  Pelvic floor physical therapy focuses on dysfunctions related to the pelvic floor, which is a sling of muscles which form the base of your pelvis.

    • Often, imbalances within these muscles, or within the connective tissue, muscles, bones and joints around the pelvis, can contribute to dysfunctions which can be addressed with physical therapy.

    • The significant difference between pelvic floor PT and traditional PT is the performance of an internal pelvic floor muscle assessment, which is done intravaginally or intrarectally, depending on the dysfunction being addressed.  While it provides important information, it is not absolutely necessary, and as with all treatment, it is up to your comfort level.


  • Who would benefit from pelvic floor PT?
    • You would benefit from pelvic floor PT if you have experienced any of the following symptoms:

      • Urinary or bowel leakage

      • Difficulty emptying bladder or bowels

      • Constipation or straining with bowel movements

      • Painful intercourse

      • Hip, pelvic, SI or low back pain, especially with urinary symptoms

      • Increased frequency or urgency of urination

      • Sensation of vaginal bulging or pelvic pressure

      • Pregnancy-related pelvic or low back pain


  • What should I expect during my first session?
    • Prior to your first session, you will be sent intake forms asking you about your symptoms; in addition, you will be asked to provide contact information and past medical history, including medications.

    • The best part of concierge PT is that I come to you!  No need to find child care or arrange transportation; I will come to your home, and will need enough room to set up a foldable massage table.

    • During your session, we will discuss in detail your symptoms and pertinent past medical history.  I will also perform a physical examination, in which I may assess:

      • Posture and breathing

      • Joint mobility, specifically spine and hips/pelvis

      • Body mechanics and gait

      • Tissue /scar mobility

      • Muscle strength of hips and core

      • Pelvic floor muscle function (internal or external)

    • The examination procedures will be tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

    • I will also spend a significant amount of time on education regarding bowel and bladder habits, breathing and posture, pelvic floor activation and relaxation; again, topics are personalized to your specific needs.  I will also have you fill out an outcome measure in order to objectively record your progress.


  • How often will I be seen?
    • Again, everyone is different and possesses a unique set of symptoms and issues; however, typical session frequency is once per week, for a total of 6-12 sessions over a span of 3 to 6 months.  Treatments will focus on manual therapy, review of exercises and strategies instructed during previous visits, and education in additional techniques and exercises to be performed on your own.  


  • Do I need a referral from my doctor?
    • The short answer is no.  Pennsylvania is a direct access state, which means that you can receive physical therapy services for 30 days before being referred back to your physician for continued care.  
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